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Flashes of Eternity

We were placed inside a sizeable auditorium. I felt like a giant screen was placed in front of me, and - for all intents and purposes - that was the case. Dim lights made it difficult to ascertain how many people were around me.

Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. The phrase used by many, but experienced only by the few.

"So, did you find your way here like everyone else?" I heard a question coming from my left.

"They told me I'd a unique psychological profile," I replied. "If that's what you mean, then yes."

"Yeah," the individual nodded. "That's what I meant."

"I wouldn't be surprised if everyone here has a similar story to tell," I continued.

"They also told you not to get involved with others here because we're about to depart anyway?"

"Yeah," I replied. "And given what I heard about this experiment, I can't say I'm surprised."

"Do you think this quantum generation is not some sort of scam?" I could see the individual leaning toward me.

"Thoughts creating realities were definitely discussed many times in philosophy," I asserted. "Of course, you can never tell whether something's a scam or not, but this world is going down the drain anyway so I might as well get a taste of something more exciting than that daily grind people are told is reality."

"The majority of people are dumb as fuck," I heard a reply. "They can't think clearly."

"Whether it's by design or not," I nodded. "That's another matter."

"I wanted to publish a book but.."

"Let me guess," I interrupted by raising my hand. "Vanity publishing was the only option left."

"Yeah," he frowned. "How did you know?"

"Been there. Done that," I replied with confidence in my voice.

"Oh," the individual nodded slightly. "I won't fear feminine clothes because it's associated with denigrating my manhood."

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