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Frank & I Call On Jill & Mary

Then she gave him a little push so Frank sat down on the bed and Jill knelt on the floor in front of him, unfastened his pants and pulled them and his undershorts off so Frank was naked, with his cock stiff and ready. Frank is a horny young man, but being undressed by a beautiful young woman like Jill, and knowing she is about to suck you off is enough to make just about anybody's cock stiff and ready.

While Jill was undressing Frank, Mary and I were doing the same for each other on the other side of the bed. She unbuttoned my shirt while I did the same for hers, then we moved in to hug each other inside the shirts. I unfastened her bra, and when we separated, we both removed the other's garment, and I pulled off Mary's bra, freeing her big, beautiful breasts. We paused in our undressing, and I gently took one of Mary's lovely globes in either hand and kissed and licked the nipples. This continued for just a few seconds because there would be plenty of that very soon, and we resumed undressing each other.

We unbuckled each other's pants, and I pulled Mary's down to her ankles, then took hold of the waistband of her panties and pulled them down also, caressing her voluptuous hips and ass as I did so. While I caressed Mary, I breathed in the splendid aroma of her pussy, enjoying myself immensely. After I straightened back up, Mary pulled down my pants and underwear, and we both stepped out of our clothes and got onto the bed naked.

While Mary and I had been undressing each other, Jill, still wearing her skirt, had started licking Frank's balls, rubbing her pretty nose against his stiff cock. She licked his balls and crotch, then started to slowly lick the underside of his cock from his balls to the tip. When she reached the tip, she kissed it, then held it gently in her fingertips and smiled up at Frank. He smiled back at her and she slowly slipped his cock into her mouth, lowering her head all the way to his pubic hair. She held her mouth there while she removed her skirt and panties, then raised her head again until just the tip was still in her mouth.

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