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Freshman Surprise

Hey guys, you wouldn't believe what happened to me last weeks

I went from being a virgin 19 year old to having the hottest girl on campus as my lover! I won't tell you her or my name of course, this is the internet

It started out last week, the start of my first semester at a community college close by. I was floored by all the girls wandering around, and it was spring semester, so a lot of the girls weren't wearing that much.

I spent my first hour of the day just wandering around, checking out girls and not having the nerve to go up and chat a single one of them up, and ended up rushing to my first class, a bit frustrated and declaring that I would lose my virginity this semester. I was tired of using just my hand.

My first teacher was a short, stuttering guy with a wig, who had us change seats to his own liking. Like we were in first grade! I didn't complain to much cause at that moment she walked in.

She was gorgeous, absolutely perfect. The first thing I saw of her was one long, bared leg, perched on a pair of low pink heels. I followed it up and up, able to see every inch of her golden-brown thighs, her hips and nether regions clad only in a tiny pair of cut-up pajama pants. Above that she had a loose, short white t-shirt, and her long, straight black hair fell down to her mid back. Tucked under one arm she had a small, adorable pink notebook and a mechanical pencil was poked through her ponytail.

She had a pair of large breasts, swelling perfectly with no sag in her shirt, and it was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. And her face...oh god..I almost creamed myself at that cute little face, it had perfectly plump, cute little lips, a cute nose and wide, though slightly slanted eyes. She was tanned and her hips swayed with the grace of a model, and guess what her assigned seat was? Right in front of mine!

This Goddess crossed her legs and got her notebook out, a tiny wrinkle of concentration on her face as she wrote down the course materials, as I sweated, luckily not needing to hide my erection. You see, I'm a bit ashamed of it, but I'm not that big, maybe 5" at it's hardest, though I'm about 6'4" and built like a linebacker.

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