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My Gloryhole Daddy

He released my throat and grabbed my ass as he unloaded a massive wad of spunk inside me. I gasped hard and deep as I collapsed on top of his chest. The strength was gone from my body and I lay there limp as he finished milking his cock into my fuckhole. After he came down from his orgasm, an unbelievable tenderness came over him and he hugged me with compassion, stroking the hair from my face and giving me soft, gentle kisses.

It took me a minute to fully recompose, and I found myself actually feeling safe in his embrace. Hard to believe after I had just been obliterated by this man, I wanted nothing more than for him to hold me. "I've never been fucked like that before. It was," I struggled for words, "incredible. Absolutely incredible."

"Same, babydoll." He was still catching his breathe. "You are hands down the best fuck I have ever had."

I smiled coyly and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Daddy." I gave a heavy sigh of relief and rolled off him. "So, I'll see you at the gloryhole?"

"Oh, sweetie, we're beyond that nonsense now. After learning what an obedient freak you are, I'm gonna wanna fuck you as often as possible. Like, at least once a week," he laughed.

I was proud and impressed with myself. "Me too, Daddy. Just promise me you're not always gonna be so rough. Like, don't get me wrong, that was amazing, but I don't know if my ass can take that kind of pounding on a weekly basis."

"Eh," he shrugged, "You may be a slut but that doesn't mean you shouldn't get a tender, loving fuck from time to time." He rolled over and looked me in the eye. "You promise to be my girl and I promise Daddy will take care of you, okay?"

"Okay, Daddy." I blushed. "I promise."

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