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My Shemale mother !!!!!!! Chapter 1

I wake up in the morning.
It's sunday and I got my summer vacation from my school...
I'm drew is a slim, teenage boy who had turned 18 just months prior. About 5'6 and 132 lbs. The story goes in last when my age is 16 years old. My father and mother are still together, my mother's name is jessica jonas. My mother is a former professional swimmer model, so she stood 6'0 and got the very good body shape. Her breast was 32 c and very good booty. When I turned 17, I noticed some difference in mom's body. She is a bit taller and muscular. I thought I'm making some mistake. But after 1 year my father left us without giving us any reason. After that, I noticed my mother is 6'4 and weighted maybe around 250 lbs. Her breast is increased to 38 dds.
In her mid-30s, she kept in excellent shape. She ran every day and had her own collection of weight sets. We have a gym in a separate room. Where mom spends most of her time after her job and doing all household works.
I'm really surprised by the changes in my mother's body in just 2 years. It's my summer holiday so I decided to search the room of mom if she is taking any kind of vitamins or something for her body. On monday she is out for her work. Then I started searching her room for some kind of evidence. I got some paper works on her dressing table that really shocked me. I can't believe in my own eyes. In those paper works, it has written about some kind of hormone and about body changing treatment.
After that, I came to my room and started thinking about the paper works. Mom came back from work and after cooking food she is getting ready for the gym workout. I'm standing near the door. Mom said "Drew eat your dinner and go to sleep on time"
"Ok mom.. What about you? When will u eat dinner?"
"I have some work to do, so I will be late"
After that conversation mom is going to the gym. I finished my dinner and gone to bed as instructed by mom.
At 1 am, I wake up for the toilet. I'm surprised by that all the lights of the house are still on.

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