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The weekend came fast and Miss Tranny Feet wanted to meet the man that had been sending her stories for weeks now. Each story had gotten more and more intense and now when she saw his name on the post, visions of long hours of touching her long slender legs worked her up into a rubbing frenzy.

She set a long shower and soaped up her thin lithe body letting the soft silky sudds full in all her crevices.Closing her eyes and slowly stroking herself while leaning against the shower wall, thinking of how his weight against her back and the wet sliding feeling from behind will feel deep in her belly. Instantly even from the mild stroking jets of hot cum streamed from her pussy.

Feeling the glow she stepped from the shower and towled off and started her make up. She was lucky and did not need much but a strong red lip was what she loved and made her feel more open. Once done she looked at the reflection and knew going out in public would be easy. After the make up she put on her outfit that she had ready for this occasion. Two sprays of a purfume left the room smelling girly and it gave her the right feeling and she slipped on her light silk dress with a slit all the way upto her hips. Followed by anklet and heels. Just as she snached up her bag she realised that her legs looked a bit open and went to her dresser and pulled out her most sheer tights. A pair that she knew left most men drooling. She slipped of her pink thong and put the sheer off black tights on feeling the material glide over her freshly shaven legs. Then she put her thong back on and left.

As she went down the street she realised that every step the tights rubbed her area making it tingle with excitement. She hopped that it would not show through the tight dress.

Marvin was waiting at the hotel lobby worried at first and then a few whiskies put him at easy. This is something her had never done before but he could not hide the fact that after watching Miss Feets videos, he was hooked. He was a ladies man and everyone knew he would always get the pretiest women without fail. His athletic build gave him confidence and power that women could see. Even now at the bar a nice red head was making eyes... he knew he would deal with that later "but one thing at a time he thought".

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