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Brazilian Discovery Chapter 3

Toma pulled out and removed his rubber. It was filled with a white gooey. Joan whispered to Barbara's ear.

- Is he clean?

- I don't know! It's the first time I meet him, then better discard his condom but you should start to secure a safe source of sperm with a guy who would fuck you exclusively! Sperm is rather good for your skin and when your throat is aching... I ate a lot of it from a nice girl in England, a gift from her lover who happens to be also my boss and I loved it. The skin of my belly and thighs has never been so smooth and shiny!

- Then why don't you find a nice guy for you, here in Brazil?

- It wouldn't be fair for him : I will leave in a year!

- You could marry the guy and stay in the country!

- No, I think I will rather return to England:

- Suit you, Joan but thank you for the help : I rarely had such a mind blowing climax!

- Happy to have been of some help, Barbara!

They returned to the dance hall for other sambas and various Latina dances Barbara and her friends patiently taught to Joan! For the second Marabunta dance, Joan was placed behind a guy but she didn't take his cock in her hand. The guy seemed sad and dejected by her rejection but he would have been even more disappointed if Joan had led him to a quiet place! She was nonetheless enjoying her evening. Barbara had told her friends what Joan had done : Tereza and Consuela insisted for Joan to accompany them. Tereza chose another room similar to the one in which Barbara had received her first suitor but Consuela led her guy to the small yard behind the cabaret with a few palm trees. She leant against the trunk and lifted the hem of her dress. She seemed to have gotten rid of her knickers during the previous Marabunta dances. She locked her ankles behind the man's guy and let him fuck her silly against the trunk.

A moment later, the couple turned and pressed their flanks against the tree. Joan immediately caught the opportunity and started to lick Consuela's butthole, Consuela seemed not used to receive such a torrid caress and she screamed in pleasure.

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