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Frat Party

God, I moaned. God, yes. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me! But they didn't hear. Jay was cumming into me, silently, without a sound. I could feel his semen pumping and pumping, it didn't stop.

"God, oh God Jay," said Michelle. "Fucker, fucker."

And she reached out to the wall to steady herself, and her eyes closed.

When he pulled out of me, finally, leaving this feeling of emptiness. Michelle came forward, sweat on her face, and lifted her dress.

"Oh god Jay, look at this. She came!"

It was true. I had blown all over the panties and the inside of the dress. I was so out of my mind I wasn't even sure until she checked.

Jay just laughed. Then he said something that made my flesh crawl, and my pulse jump. I don't know if they planned it like this or not... He went to the door and he called out, down the hall.

"Hey Terell! Wanna fuck my girlfriend's ass?"

"Hell yeah!" I heard the reply come.

"Bring Mike, too!"

Michelle leaned close to my ear, and whispered hot into it.

"Time to hide. Have fun being me..."

I just looked at her, my mouth stuffed, my wrists aching, my cock wet and dripping, my ass opened out and about to be opened some more.

She gave me a kiss on the cheek, and disappeared.

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