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I Believe

I exposed my bedroom secret, “No I use that little Hitachi that’s in the night stand where the lube was.
He leaned over and looked in the open drawer and pulled out my red and white Hitachi vibrator and gave it to me saying, “Show me how you do it.”
I took the vibrator and holding my little embarrassment I put the vibrator on it and turned it on, and it began to just hum. He watched for a few seconds and then took it from me and moved my hand and held me while applying the vibrator to my sissy clit.
He moved toward my head and lifted his cock guiding it to my mouth and said, “Here you can suck me and I’ll take care of you.”
I held his cock and began to lick and then suck on the head of his lovely cock and then I heard the vibrator and felt it as he held me and applied the hummer to me. His cock in my mouth felt wonderful and I loved the taste of his cum covered member. He adjusted his position so I could get more in my mouth and I felt him already start to respond to my licking and sucking of him.
I was also beginning to respond and I was able to hold his balls and massage his cock as if I was jacking him off into my mouth. My orgasm was building up quickly as it had been denied for a few days and now it was rushing head long.
I pulled away as I reached that point and gasped out, “Oh, oh, oh my!” I could feel myself spurting but I didn’t feel it so I guess I’d have a sticky spot on my sheets until I could wash them tomorrow.
Marris moved and turned back to me and said, “Here I saved it for you. Open up.”
I saw his cupped hand and I knew that it had my cum in it and looking at him I obeyed as he tilted his hand spilling my cum into my mouth. Okay, I’ll admit it, I love the taste of cum. Men’s cum more than mine but I knew I had to obey him and I let it fill my mouth, and then I licked his hand clean.
He just knelt beside me and said, “See we both got to cum.” He then bent down to me and took me into his arms as we laid together side by side. This is one of the things I like best. After sex just laying next to the man that fucked me feeling his arm around me and his body laying next to me.

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