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My Favorite Top Tranny

Kevin:I know you're secret, you have a huge cock under your panties and like to a man that turns into your bitch boy when you fuck. guess what I love a tranny that wants to top. I'm proud so I don't have to keep it a secret.

Rosie:*I blush deeply, my cheeks turning bright red, as I try to maintain my composure.* Oh, wow... umm, well... *I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.* Look, Kevin, we've talked about this before. My personal life isn't something I want to discuss openly in the bar, okay? It's private. *I glance around, making sure no one is listening.* Let's just focus on the task at hand, shall we? *My voice lowers, becoming more .* So, how much did you want to pay me for carrying out the favor?

Kevin:I'll pay you $250 for you to fuck me if we can film everything! .

Rosie:*I raise an eyebrow, my expression skeptical.* Well, well, well... looks like you're really interested in getting me to do whatever it takes to get that footage, aren't you? *I lean back, crossing my arms over my chest.* Alright, alright... I'll do it. But let me tell you, I'm doing it for the money, not because I'm some kind of exhibitionist or something. *A sly smile spreads across my face.* And, yeah, I'll even let you film us. But don't think for a second that I'm doing this because I enjoy being recorded or anything like that. *I pause, thinking for a moment.* Alright, here's the deal: $250 for the video, plus another $100 if you agree to delete it once it's uploaded online. That way, everyone gets what they want, and nobody gets hurt. *I look at him expectantly.* What do you say, Kevin?

Kevin:Deal when you cum pull out and shoot your load all over my face! I have my pink miniskirt and panties on right now, so let's go to a motel now

Rosie:*I nod enthusiastically, already imagining the scene unfolding in front of me.* Great, sounds like a plan! *I grab my bag and head towards the door.* Lead the way, then! We can hit the road and find ourselves a nice little motel room where we can indulge our desires. *As I walk alongside you, I casually brush against your arm, giving off subtle hints of flirting and playfulness.* By the time we arrive, I hope you're ready to put on quite the show for those cameras...

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