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Ride of My Life

'What's she doing?' Tina innocently asks. No one replied and the look on my face told all as I felt Jills hot breath on my dribbling cock. She lets go of my legs and her hands wrap around my shaft. She squeezes it a few times and then guides it into her eager mouth. I didn't know where to look as her hot, wet lips enclose my cock. Tina, Mary and Julia are all starring at me in total silence. I fix my gaze at a boy band poster on the wall as she takes me in then slowly draws me out again. The silence is shattered by the sound of Jill frantically slurping as her tongue washes all over my trembling cock. I groan and find myself squirming uncontrollably as Jills frantic sucking intensifies.

'Our little girl is enjoys wearing her dress and looks as if she's enjoying be sucked off too. Please Jill don't make him soil his new dress. The stains will be such a job to remove.'

I wasn't really listening as at that moment I jolt and stand on tiptoes as my love boils over and spurts into Jills mouth. I except her to withdraw sharply but instead she seems to such harder drawing all my cream from me. It's over as quickly as it begun and Jill soon has my panties back, my now flaccid cock back tucked away and my dress brushed downwards. The girls are desperate to ask her what it was like but she has her mouth tightly shut. She stands upright and stares me in the face. I don't know what to say but I don't have to wait long as her hands circle my waist and her lips press against mine. I open my mouth and feel her tongue snake inside followed by copious quantities of my own cum. I gag and attempt to pull away but she holds me firm and blows all my love into my own mouth. Once jettisoned her precious cargo she stepped back and licked her lips with a wicked glint in her eyes. I stood transfixed my own cum dripping from my mouth.

Mary was the first to speak. 'Now swallow my little sissy. It's good for you or that's what we are told.'

The other girls all giggle and with my mouth full of cream I obediently swallow. It wasn't easy as my cum was thick and creamy and once I had begun to let it slide down my throat it took a while as every last drop seemed connected to the last.

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