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The Sin of Lust

As soon as her mouth engulfed his penis, he let out a gruff sigh and thrust his hips forward. He watched as she worked on him, bobbing her head up and down, slurping noisily and sucking hard. She cupped and squeezed his balls, even had a finger gently stroking his anus. It didn't take long for him to explode, unleashing years worth of cum deep into her throat. She stood up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, giggling. "Done already, Father?"

He laughed. "No fucking way." He grabbed her arms and roughly spun her around, lifted her up, and planted her ass on top of his desk. He jerked her skirt up and yanked her panties down, then watched in amazement as a 4-inch thin cock popped up.
Nothing was said. He was still as she was trembling in fear, and anticipation. Then, without a second thought, Father Jeremiah licked the length of her cock, tasting it, savoring it.

She sighed so softly, in relief and pleasure. "Oh, Father...yes!"

He took her deep into his mouth, his lips grazing her peachie trimmed pubes. He slid her girl-penis in and out of his mouth. She racked her fingers through his black hair and grasped it, pulling herself out of his mouth with a soft pop. "I don't want to cum yet. I want you to fuck me."

The priest pulled back so she could roll over, baring her tight ass to him. She spread her butt cheeks, exposing her pink rosebud to him. He watched in amazement as it puckered in anticipation. He pressed his face into her crack, inhaling deeply. Hesitantly, he tasted her. She gasped in pleasure, pressing her ass back at him in encouragement. He circled his tongue, feeling every crease of her anus, stabbing the hole hard and deep, wriggling. He grabbed her ass and squeezed roughly as he rimmed her, swirling his tongue, exploring. She squirmed and squealed.

Finally, his cock was back to attention, and all the more eager. "I want you to ride me."

"Yes, Father."

Father Jeremiah removed his robe and pants, revealing his surprisingly muscular body.

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