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End of the Beginning

It was Matthew’s turn to look embarrassed. “Well, it is kinda hard to explain. I know, let’s go have dinner and we can talk about it.”

Jamie smiled. “Ok, I would love to. Do you want to go change first?”

Matthew was still wearing his full dress uniform from the ceremony. He shook his head. “I like the uniform. I think it makes me look good. But I should change in case anyone were to recognize me.”

“Indeed it does look good,” thought Jamie. She nodded. “I think I am dressed ok for dinner. Let’s go!” She was wearing a little red sundress with white flowers and little yellow stamens. She had a white handbag and white flats to match. The shoulder length auburn wig blew slightly in the wind. It was a rather convincing wig and Jamie had chosen it because it was her natural color.

“I just bought a new truck. Wanna take mine?” asked Matthew. He had been anxious to show it off to someone. It was a black F150 with a gray interior and a cd changer. He offered Jamie his arm with a grin. She swooned as she grasped it, hoping that what she felt was shared by her new companion. “Look, would you mind if we went somewhere out of the way? I don’t want to look at anyone from basic. Eight weeks was plenty.”

Jamie knew there was more to it. He did not want anyone in the military to call him out. She nodded. “I understand.” She was getting suspicious though. By this time, she was sure that Matthew was gay.

They climbed into his truck “I am going to check into a room, you don’t mind riding along do you?” Matthew asked.

“Not at all. As I recall I was supposed to be doing this too.” Jaime replied.

“You know, it is funny. We all thought you just wanted out.” began Matthew. “I never thought… you know. Look, you asked how I knew it was you. I know that must have been a surprise to you. Not many people would recognize you. I…well… I have a confession. I knew who you were so easily because I liked you. I have been interested in you since I first saw you. But you know how it is in the Army. I couldn’t just come on to you. But seeing you tonight, well, I like the new you.”

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