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End of the Beginning

“I am going to cum!” Matthew exclaimed. Jamie moaned louder and louder, sounding more feminine now than ever. Such ecstasy! She had never felt so filled, so complete before as she did with Matthew’s throbbing cock insider her. Matthew came, spurting his juice into her ass.

She sighed, content for the moment. “I think I need a shower” she joked and slid from her dress.

Matthew snickered as he slid out of her. “We can arrange that” he said, admiring her body. He noticed that she was wearing a red padded bra. He looked at her and asked, “Um, I hate to ask, but have you gotten smaller?”

Jamie looked puzzled and then realized what he meant. “Oh, you mean my clit. Yes, the hormones I am taking are shrinking it. It’s ok though, I don’t mind. I was around five inches, now I am down to about four. The doctor warned me that it may happen.”

Matthew smiled at her. “I think it’s perfect,” he said, stroking her. “Now how about we go for that shower?”

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