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End of the Beginning

Jamie had no idea what to say. She sat there trying to sort out her emotions as the truck came to a stop in front of an out of the way hotel. It was nicer than most of the others in the area while being out of the way. It was the perfect place for Matthew to spend the week. “Let me run in and see if there are any rooms available.”

After a few minutes, Matthew returned. “Ok, I got a room. Do you want to come in with me while I change?”

“Sure, I mean if you think it will be ok.”

“Jamie it will be fine. None of the others will be out here. And there is only a small chance anyone would recognize you anyway.”

Matthew had gotten a room on the first floor. He opened the door and clicked on the light, throwing his suitcase and duffel bag on the floor. He started to open the suitcase when Jamie stopped him. “Maybe dinner can wait,” she cooed. Jamie looked into Matthew’s eyes to see his reaction. Matthew stood up slowly. He placed one hand around Jamie’s small waist and the other under her chin. He slowly lifted her chin, looked into her eyes and kissed her. She felt as though she were being swept away. Matthew felt himself getting hard almost immediately. It had been three months since he had sex. He move his hand around to the back of her neck as the kiss got more heated. Both felt the tension rising. Their bodies were responding to each other, and need took over.

Jamie suddenly broke the kiss, getting to her knees. She wasted no time unzipping Matthew’s slacks. She smiled as she freed his elongated member from his boxers. He was a full seven inches with a wide girth. Her tongue traced circles around his circumcised head, teasing him. Matthew moaned in frustration. Her heart started to race as she heard the pleading tone of his moan. She quickly slipped her lips over his cock, bobbing back and forth as though she were an expert. She could feel the head of his throbbing member hitting the back of her throat. Matthew placed his hands on her head, exaggerating her movements.

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